Snowy Mountains NSW

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Snowy Mountains NSW

Postby sheepie on Wed Aug 25, 2004 10:17 pm

Hi all - just got back from a week in the snow with the D70. Here's a small selection of the thousand or so pics I took!

Comments welcome (and appreciated!).


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Postby Glen on Wed Aug 25, 2004 10:28 pm

Leon, like your wide angles especially the ones with big sky
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Postby Killakoala on Wed Aug 25, 2004 10:32 pm

There's some really nice landscapes in that lot. Well done.

Some of those photos remind me of the style of composition of some of the best Australian painters on display in the National Gallery in Canberra. If you've seen them you know what i mean. If you havent i would recommend a visit one day.
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Postby Onyx on Thu Aug 26, 2004 1:01 am

Wow, nice pics. Although I notice the matirx meter is still fooled by snow. (snowman pic seems dark, like white became middle grey)
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Postby W00DY on Thu Aug 26, 2004 11:15 pm

Greta images. Most of them are so sharp. I think I like number 8 the best, did you use a polarising filter for any of these??? The sky in most of them looks great.

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Snowy Mountains NSW

Postby sheepie on Fri Aug 27, 2004 7:52 pm

Thanks all for the kind comments, especially Killakoala - I would have to admit that the style you refer to is often what I have in my head when I take landscapes, so it's nice someone sees the similarity!

Onyx - yes, I was battling the metering all week, trying different settings. I've only had the camera for a month now, so am still sorting out what it can and can't do. Before that, I hadn't used an SLR since we bought a Canon A40 point&shoot digital three years ago! I found that about a stop's worth of 'over-exposure' seemed to work ok in full snow.

W00DY - yes, I tend to use a polariser for landscapes - I love the deep blue it gives :)

Thanks again all - gives me encouragement to post more! :roll:
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