Full Moon over Adelaide

For the Westies. So to speak.

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Full Moon over Adelaide

Postby DebT on Sat Jan 10, 2009 10:56 pm

I'm dissapointed by my quick attempt to get the moon before engulfed by clouds
300 4.5L 1.4X F5.6 1/600 iso 100 low res image ..

anyone have any better luck ???

Perhaps a night meet on an isolated hill somehwere ???

Deb T
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Re: Full Moon over Adelaide

Postby foonji on Sun Jan 11, 2009 12:12 am

I can see the cheese!
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Re: Full Moon over Adelaide

Postby Big V on Sun Jan 11, 2009 2:46 am

Deb, we can have a meet at my house and I will let you play with the big scopes, 1200mm and 1000mm focal lengths!!! or we can go up to Stockport and play with the 4000mm!!
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