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Best places for Comet McNaught

PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 10:29 am
by Traveller130
Hi all, not sure if anyone had any luck in shooting the Coment McNaught in the last few days in Melbourne. Last night I went to Northcote near Clarke St overlooking the city, hoping to see the coment. But there was a lot of ambient lighting from the street lights, plus there was a fair amount of cloud and smog from west, so I packed up around 9:40pm without seeing the comet. Has anyone got a good shot of the coment? Where? What settings did you use? I am shooting with a D70s mated with a 80-200mm 2.8, set on program night scene mode. Any help will be greatly appreciated!

PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 6:14 pm
by Big V
Bo, I am not in Melbourne so cant help with locations but away from the lights is best - beach is better if it looks south west. 80-200 is too big, this thing is huge I am shooting with a 17mm lens. f4 800 ISO 120 Sec will be a good start for you...

PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 1:33 am
by PiroStitch
Bo, go down towards the Bay. I shot from Sandringham yacht club tonight and it was fantastic tho not sure of my results. Anywhere along beach road is fine.

Big V, thanks for the pointers in terms of ISO. I was shooting around ISO 200 and 400 :?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 9:00 am
by Traveller130
Thanks all, I will try again this weekend. I have a 60mm 2.8 as well as the 18-70mm kit lens, so I will play around with them for a while and see how I go. Thanks for the tip re ISO setting.