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Low Key Wedding Shoot Opportunity Melb

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 10:41 am
by Greg B
Low Key Wedding Shoot Opportunity

I have a friend who is getting married on 30 August and needs a photographer.

The details are
- lunch time wedding
- one location, both the ceremony and the reception will be at the venue in St Kilda Road
- small wedding party
- shoot duration approx 2 hours
- minimal subsequent work required, maybe some routine sharpening and adjustment across all the shots. The happy couple will arrange their own printing etc.

If you are interested (and can make a commitment if a deal is struck), send me a PM and I will put you in touch with the bride.

Re: Low Key Wedding Shoot Opportunity Melb

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 7:59 pm
by MHD
Sounds like an ideal assignment for some one wanting to try something more challenging...

I dont have as much need to supplement my income for buying lenses since I stopped being a student but if they are stuck I may be interested... or I could help some one out who is perhaps a little nervous attacking this on their own....
(I've done 1 wedding as Solo Photog and one as a secondary)

Re: Low Key Wedding Shoot Opportunity Melb

PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 2:00 pm
by photograham
Hi Greg, PM sent
