A1 Grand Prix

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A1 Grand Prix

Postby antman on Mon Sep 12, 2005 6:52 pm

Not sure if members are aware (or even interested) but there will be a round of the A1 Grand Prix series held at Eastern Creek here in Sydney over Nov 4-6.

Its is supposed to be like an unofficial "world cup" with numerous different countries represented over 12 rounds. The cars are pretty much identical so results should pretty much come down to driver skill. Engines are 3.4L V8 producing 520bhp (upto 550bhp)

I'm not sure as to how it will rate as a spectacle compared to Formula 1 but it should provide some great photographic opportunities. At least something else to shoot other than V8 supercars.

1st race of the season will be at Brands Hatch, England on Sept 25th.

Anway if you would like to read up then you can at:

I believe you can get tickets through ticketmaster.

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Postby gstark on Mon Sep 12, 2005 7:04 pm


Old news.

Please see thisthread, and also please also check the calendar section on our home page.

This thread.is closed.
Gary Stark
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