DaveB wrote:Mr Darcy wrote:As for the battery life, my EN-EL3e claims 1500mAh. That means you will drain the battery in less than two days (41.67 hours) even if you don't use the camera. Much less of course if you do.
Actually Greg, it's not that simple. Power == Volts * Amps
Your EN-EL3e runs at 7.4V (?) whereas I don't know off the top of my head what voltage the GPS is running at. If it's 5V then that would mean your number is off by 1.5* (>61.5 hours).
Um no Dave I'm not.
The unit clams to draw 36 milliAMPS The batttery supplies 1500 milli AMP hours. Power does not enter the equation.
The battery will supply 1500 milli amps for one hour. Or 36 milliamps for 41.67 hours
Amp hours is a measure of energy, not power.
Current times time = energy
However it does say "less than 36mA" so that is a worst case scenario. Also glamy is using a 2500mAh battery. That WILL change the equation.
Based on my GPSr, energy usage is highest when it is looking for satellites. Once it has found them it will use less energy. Just a burst now and then to maintain signal
Glad to see that the device comes with a USB to Nikon converter. Could be handy for other things.