Colour on B&W (Dial-up warning... >300kb)Moderators: Greg B, Nnnnsic, Geoff, Glen, gstark, Moderators
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Colour on B&W (Dial-up warning... >300kb)Little bit of playing in the gimp. The only thing at this stage that I don't like about this shot is that I would have liked to have seen my son more to the right of the frame... but I'm sure there will be plenty more opportunities... hope you enjoy... Last edited by xerubus on Thu Nov 18, 2004 2:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Terrific photo there xerubus!
Love the tattoos on your son's arms! ![]() If your son was further to the right, your photo would possibly be more appealing to the eye, but IMHO, you have a dynamic photo that will bring the memories flooding back when you reminisce, as one tends to do, later in life. Therefore it does not matter where your son is, as long as he is in it! Cheers Graham
Great stuff xerubus, really effective separation, and your composition has pleased Matt (and I agree)
Greg - - - - D200 etc
Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see. - Arthur Schopenhauer
Thanks for the replies guys....
Here's the tutorial I originally learnt from... ... orization/ You could easily do it with the history brush in photoshop also... enjoy. - A camera, glass, and some light.
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