One that I didn't submit...

Tue Dec 07, 2004 6:58 pm
by Geoff
It was a hard decision, please critique (be as harsh as you please)....

Tue Dec 07, 2004 7:18 pm
by sirhc55
Nice but may I make a suggestion. If using
PS create 2 layers - one with the contrast on the beach increased and he bird decreased then blend so that you end up with the bird with more definition and the beach a little darker - just a thought - it’s worth a play around.

Tue Dec 07, 2004 7:50 pm
by Geoff
Thanx Sirh!

I'm yet to really experiment with Layers, i'm no photoshop virgin, but I'm no photshop erm 'slut' either hehehe...sorry if that's a bit rude, I haven't slept in just on 30 hours.. must sleep..exciting photographic experience night tomorrow this space

Wed Dec 08, 2004 3:18 pm
by Vicareyus
Geoff - great shot. Love the way the bird is clutching at that fish! I agree that there is a need to selectively change contrast as per reply from Chris above, but it's all a bit beyond me...the thing I find most difficult is selecting out areas to create a separate layer with - fine if the magic wand will do it, but if it requires sketching it out by hand with a lasoo or whatever then my unsteady hand is hopeless. Would really love to know the easier way!
Anyway, really like the photo.