Grey Ibis in flight

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Grey Ibis in flight

Postby beetleboy on Thu Dec 09, 2004 9:50 pm

Snapped this fella this evening..not spectacular light but I was pretty happy with the framing and managed to pan better than I knew I could!!

Combination of preparation and luck!


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Postby Greg B on Thu Dec 09, 2004 9:55 pm

Great shot Liam, very well caught.
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Postby Killakoala on Sun Dec 12, 2004 6:17 pm

Combination of preparation and luck!

No such thing as luck mate, you've anticipated this shot magnificently. very well done.

However, for future shots, try to crop the subject to create more of a focus on it. Try to avoid too much background as this is distracting and removes the centre of attention, which should be the subject. I'm sure you already know this, but it's hard to remember at the moment of capture.

But well done anyway, it's nice and sharp.

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Postby dooda on Sun Dec 12, 2004 7:38 pm

I really like this as well. And if you cropped it down to focus more on it's reflection in the water, this great shot might be absolutley DY-NO-MITE.

Hey, I've got a pretty cool shot of a grey Heron. I'll post it sometime soon.
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Postby dooda on Sun Dec 12, 2004 8:05 pm

Gary taught me how to do this so I decided to give it a try now. Although for some reason the quality isn't there like the original. The original photo the bird is much darker and the water is shinier. It becomes really grey on the website. Does anyone know why that is and how to rectify? ... at=0&pos=0

Tried to post it right in the post but I can't seem to figure that out. here's the link
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Postby gstark on Sun Dec 12, 2004 8:11 pm


I can't help you with why the image looks grey ...from what you're saying it sounds as if you're losing a range of contrast.

I suspect that because of the scripting invloved to display the image - it's embedded within a page, rather than just a straight URL referencing a filename - the inline display may not be working was you want it to.
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Postby bwhinnen on Mon Dec 13, 2004 8:00 am

Besides the great capture with oodles of movement (the wing tips being blurred as well just scream liveliness). I have to say that panning a moving object whilst taking in portrait orientation is a HUGE acheivment!

Great job!

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Postby beetleboy on Mon Dec 13, 2004 10:05 am

Thanks for the comments guys! I was ready for the bird to take flight cos whenever I get close to one they always fly away..and I need to get close cos I only have the kit lens at the moment!

I tried a crop in Photoshop with this shot but I found it actually lost a lot of it's feeling of movement so I left it as framed - plus I wanted to show how flukey my composition was!

I'll do another version this evening if I have any energy left after Xmas shopping with my girlfriend!!

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Grey Ibis 2

Postby beetleboy on Mon Dec 13, 2004 10:19 am

Here's my second attempt!


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