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Couple of shots of Newcastle (UK)

PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 11:28 am
by Charlie Chalk

went out with camera and 5 year old daughter to see if we could get some pictures of the city.

Came back with these two, they are both taken on the poor mans D70 (the one with the cheap kit lens, 28-80 G):

Sage building and Tyne Bridge
ISO 400
1/15 sec
Hand Held
5 year old pestering to go inside because its cold

Baltic Art Galery
ISO 800
1/3 sec
Hand Held
5 year old pestering to go home because she's boared 'why do you need to take so many pictures daddy?'

The Baltic Art Galery one was taken from Milenium Foot Bridge that was swaying about quite a bit with the near gale force winds we are having at the moment.

The both are not perfect by a long way, but I am pleased in what I've got without a tripod, and without much idea of what I'm doing. I'm very new to Digital Photography, and reasonably new to 'proper' (SLR) photography.

I would really appreciate any comments you have, especialy if it will help my learing curve!



PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 12:08 pm
by sirhc55
The composition on the first shot is very pleasing and different. The 2nd shot bothers me with the amount of noice noticeable.

There are programs available such as Noise Ninja that would deal with the noise. The other answer is to use a lower iso and tripod or VR lens. But overall I like your shots and please post more.


PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 12:13 pm
by Charlie Chalk
I agree about the noise, I was suprised how much there was as it was ISO 800, not 1600.

It was getting late in the evening, so I'm still quite pleased I got a picture at all.

Not sure if my settings would have made it worse?

Either tripod or lens would take an awful lot of negotiation with my good lady, I've already pushed my luck with the camera (played the 'need better camera to take nice pictures of new born baby' card) I don't think it'll work twice!