James, This is incredibly dangerous stuff, not for you but the guy on the bike. I say this as I have my 20 year old at home after two weeks in trauma and IC after a motorcross bingle and he was wearing body armour and all
mod cons. 3-6 months recovery and he was extremely lucky. The guy in these shots doesnt even have elbow pads on. One slip and he is in serious trouble. Although extreme sports are exciting to look at, after the past two weeks in hospital looking at the outcome of these practices I find it difficult to look at these images without thinking these thoughts. I apologise for the wowserish nature of this post and I am not normally that sort of individual, I am just saying that the guy in the shots is not properly kitted out and that worries me as I have just come through an experience where it all went wrong for my own boy. That doesn't mean that these aren't great shots. Up to your usual very good standard, I like the first because of placement of the rider in the image and the saturation. I am sure the second is upside down