firsty wrote:if these are for her portfolio I think the need a little more light on here face they look too dark around the eyes (the eyes are in shadow or have too much makeup)
with these photos she should be trying to sell herself more than the clothes as that is what she is getting the photos for
she will also need to show a range of different facial expressions to show that she is capable of more than one look
as far as the fashion side of the photos they are good... actually they are good an all sides but as this was a portfolio shoot and not a fashion shoot you need to direct her more with that in mind
I'm not a fashion photographer so I maybe way off mark here, but these are my first thoughts on seeing these when told they are portfolio shots
thanks Keith, I appreciate your solid feedback. the dark eyes was my first thought too, and worked to get a mid point in lighting of the eyes, and other. was pushing one light, so think this was a compromise...
agree, and am trying to learn more direction, and expressions. i have noticed this makes such a difference and variety, I just need to improve
oh well, some more practise