Righto Zafra .... I like this image and so, in the guise of one of my aliases I am going to offer you advice to improve this image.
First off, crop this image.... you can afford to lose at least a third of its overall height, with a little from the foreground and the a fair amount from the top. The aim is to include the mountains at the top of the picture but not too much of that bright sky while at the same time losing some of that unnecessary foreground.
Now you need to recover some detail into the clouds and some detail into that dark foreground. with luck you have shot the image on RAW
mode so this should not be too hard to do. If you are working from a JPEg the other option is to make these adjustments using the Shadow and highlight control.
Now you need to tame that bright area in the top left of the picture .... one option is to pinch cloud from another image however you can also copy and paste some of the cloud from the right of the frame into the left of the picture and then use a layer mask (or the eraser) to reveal the mountains.
About now I will pass it back to you to keep playing with.
Hope this is a help, Ants