Thanks for all of the positives. It was a spectacular trip. Plenty of photo oppportunities!
I used my D300 and 18-200 in the kayak - double dry bagged unless I was shooting and had a couple of other lenses and filters for use when it was less risky.
The ice in #1 wasn't particularly big but I loved the colour and shape of it. Some of the bergs are huge - over 100m tall ABOVE the water.
I certainly wouldn't recommend the crowd that I travelled with unless you can live on air (rather than food) and you don't mind paddling in submarining kayaks and sleeping in leaking tents whilst being led by a guide who couldn't read a map and hadn't actually been to the area before. We have ended up getting a partial refund because it was so bad. If you had asked a week ago I could have pointed you to a great website but that had to be taken down as a condition of getting our refund.