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by johnmc on Mon Jun 08, 2009 10:57 am
I decided to reel off a heap more water study shots - this time using my 70-300 in macro mode... I spent a lot more time experimenting with different flash locations/directions and reflectors (keeping in mind it's still mounted on camera) Interested to know your thoughts/hear your comments on this one (the pick of the bunch imho)  Shutter Speed: 1/200 sec F-Stop: f6.7 ISO: 100 Focal Length: 263mm Lens: 70-300mm
Canon EOS50D, 17-40mm f4 L USM, 24-105mm f4 L IS USM, 50mm f1.4 USM, 28-80mm f3.5-5.6, 70-300mm f4-5.6 & various other bits  my flickr photostream

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by gummi on Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:07 pm
Whoa u did that with a 70-300 lens? That droplet is very sharp! I feel like the top half is too dark (but u did say u were experimenting with the flash positioning etc) esp cos its out of focus as well, the image overall doesn't seem to communicate anything, except that here is a very nice droplet of water! If it's a study of water, maybe you could show us its behaviour, like sliding down a glass surface or two drop bouncing off each other etc. I think you chose that water droplet in particular to focus on and thought that was really done - if it was any bigger I'd say I could even see the reflection of your camera in there! (ok myabe not cos you were probably quite far away). Infact that little droplet looks to have some very interesting things going on inside!
Looking forward to more photos Johnmc!
Val Nikon D300
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by aim54x on Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:15 pm
Give the man a 180mm Macro and some more lights!!!
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by johnmc on Tue Jun 09, 2009 12:34 am
Thanks for the comments guys  Gummi - I'm really liking some of the ideas you're suggesting regarding showing more about the behaviour of water, and aim - I'm hoping to get my remote flash triggers this week so will be having a lot more fun next weekend. I've spent today forcing myself to shoot with only a 50mm lens - whilst a bit of a challenge only due to it forcing me to think more about composition than when I'm shooting with a longer lens - it's been great! I'm really loving the clarity of using a prime lens (although I did cheat a little and do some with a 2x teleconverter attached too!) - will post some pics soon. Cheers 
Canon EOS50D, 17-40mm f4 L USM, 24-105mm f4 L IS USM, 50mm f1.4 USM, 28-80mm f3.5-5.6, 70-300mm f4-5.6 & various other bits  my flickr photostream

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by surenj on Wed Jun 10, 2009 12:35 am
Johnmc nice one! Did you flip this image upside down? I can't figure out how this droplet formed!
Are you following the watershot tips on strobist? There was a recent article....

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by johnmc on Wed Jun 10, 2009 11:20 pm
surenj wrote:Johnmc nice one! Did you flip this image upside down? I can't figure out how this droplet formed!
Thanks surenj!... nope it's not flipped... to be honest it's got me a little stumped - but keep in mind this was one of around 100 shots, all manually triggered so the results were quite "experimental" to say the least surenj wrote:Are you following the watershot tips on strobist? There was a recent article....
nope... to be honest I hadn't come across strobist (until now)... will have a look for sure  Just got my wireless flash trigger today too - so hopefully this weekend will be a fruitful one
Canon EOS50D, 17-40mm f4 L USM, 24-105mm f4 L IS USM, 50mm f1.4 USM, 28-80mm f3.5-5.6, 70-300mm f4-5.6 & various other bits  my flickr photostream

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