More Alley Cabaret Publications

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More Alley Cabaret Publications

Postby aim54x on Tue Jun 09, 2009 12:36 pm

It is not much, but I thought I would let you all know that another one of my pictures has been published via alley cabaret. I will have to hunt down a copy of the publication, but it appears that the colours are a bit off from the online edition.

Here it is in situ:

Here is a pdf printout (for when the above link goes dead)

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Re: More Alley Cabaret Publications

Postby gummi on Tue Jun 09, 2009 4:27 pm

Oh damn Cameron! That is one gorgeous pic! That red everywhere really sets the scene! I love the pose and expression of your model - cheeky, fun, & sassy. I LOIKE it ALOT! :up: No wonder it got published! If you have anymore pics like that, would seriously love to see it!
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Re: More Alley Cabaret Publications

Postby aim54x on Tue Jun 09, 2009 5:31 pm

This was from the shoot that I did for Alley Cabaret back in April. You should be able to browse all the bad pics (with the occaisional good one) through the posts on this page

I have to admit that it was one of my favourite shots from the series.
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Re: More Alley Cabaret Publications

Postby gummi on Tue Jun 09, 2009 6:45 pm

I didn't notice that your signature had your website in there, but i see it now, thanks for the link too. Shall go have a browse!
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Re: More Alley Cabaret Publications

Postby zafra52 on Tue Jun 09, 2009 7:10 pm

Oh damn Cameron! That is one gorgeous pic!

Yes, Cameron it is a colourful and very nice all around phtograph. I like the fresh smile of the subject. Congratulations!
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Re: More Alley Cabaret Publications

Postby surenj on Tue Jun 09, 2009 10:12 pm

Cameron this is awesome! Congrats for the repeat publication.

Couple of beginner questions...
How did you manage the skin tones while there is alot of red going on?
Did you direct the poses or did the artists arrange themselves?
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Re: More Alley Cabaret Publications

Postby aim54x on Tue Jun 09, 2009 10:42 pm

surenj wrote:Cameron this is awesome! Congrats for the repeat publication.

Couple of beginner questions...
How did you manage the skin tones while there is alot of red going on?
Did you direct the poses or did the artists arrange themselves?

Thanks Surenj,

To answer your questions (and hopefully not sound absurd) I didnt actually post process this image at all. In the galleries on my website the only images that have been post processed have a "_1" suffix. What I did to get the skin tones right was to shoot a preset WB using the white side of my V-Tec fold up grey card..this is a classic example of my laziness. It does not provide perfect WB but it is pretty close, close enough for the reds not to look overly bright of dull and the skintones to be attractive.

As for the pose...well lets just say that people are not my forte, but I was lucky enough to have a very fun and playful model who was more than happy to shoot smiles and other expressions in my direction. I suggested we do some shots on the floor after the male model left and after all the 'needed' shots were ticked off and I got a nice series which this was probably the best.

For the record, this was taken using the D300 (not the S5 Pro cause it was not as happy that night, I didnt get a good preset WB and couldnt be bothered to try again) with the SB-800 and Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8.

Hope this helps.
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Re: More Alley Cabaret Publications

Postby biggerry on Wed Jun 10, 2009 10:10 am

Well done cam, you know for the first time in many years I will actual pick that paper up off my front step and read it just for your picture rather then sending it straight to the recycling bin! Top effort and well deserved. :cheers:
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Re: More Alley Cabaret Publications

Postby aim54x on Wed Jun 10, 2009 10:13 am

biggerry wrote:Well done cam, you know for the first time in many years I will actual pick that paper up off my front step and read it just for your picture rather then sending it straight to the recycling bin! Top effort and well deserved. :cheers:

Thanks Gerry! I had to ask dad where our copy went cause it was already in the recycling bin!
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Re: More Alley Cabaret Publications

Postby Glen on Wed Jun 10, 2009 10:42 am

Congratulations Cameron, well deserved. :up: Tactical Torches - Tactical Flashlights Police torch rechargeable torch military torch police military HID surefire flashlight LED torch tactical torch rechargeable wolf eyes flashlight surefire torch wolf eyes tactical torchpolice torch
Thank You
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