
Something unexpected.

This is not very good, but I'll include it since it is my first HDR Pano. Handheld.


Adelaide's Worldwide Photo WalkModerators: Greg B, Nnnnsic, Geoff, Glen, gstark, Moderators
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Adelaide's Worldwide Photo WalkHere are a few of my shots from the Adelaide's "Scott Kelby's Worldwide Photo Walk" we had on 18/7/09.
Waiting... ![]() Something unexpected. ![]() This is not very good, but I'll include it since it is my first HDR Pano. Handheld. ![]() Triplets. ![]() Daniel Nikon D4, D2Xs, D70, Nikkors and Sigmas lenses from 10 to 400mm
Re: Adelaide's Worldwide Photo WalkNot bad Daniel, better than mine mate as it is hard to be creative when it is bloody wet.LOL But i threw the 50m on the D3 and went on the walk here in the Mount but it rained and didn't stop part way into it.
Anyhow i like them all. Cheers John BBJ D3,D2x,D70,18-70 kit lens,Sigma 70-200mm F2.8EX HSM,Nikon AF-I 300m F2.8, TC20E 2X
80-400VR,SB800,Vosonic X Drive,VP6210 40 http://www.oz-images.com
Re: Adelaide's Worldwide Photo WalkGreat variety Daniel like them all !
Where was #2 taken ? think #3 HDR is exellent - so many are overdone but yours looks very al la natural #4 is simply a very clever shot at the cathedral Well done DebT ( I was home with a cold so gave it a miss but looks like a good day) DebT
"so many dreams - so little time "
Re: Adelaide's Worldwide Photo WalkDaniel,
Some great images there. The colours in the first two are great. And I love the concept that have in the last of these. Well thought out, and well done. Magic! But did you do this in the camera, or in the computer? g.
Gary Stark Nikon, Canon, Bronica .... stuff The people who want English to be the official language of the United States are uncomfortable with their leaders being fluent in it - US Pres. Bartlet
Re: Adelaide's Worldwide Photo WalkThank you all.
It was a bit of a surprise. There were two walls of this either side of a driveway going down into the Festival Theatre carpark.
Thanks. I just used the option to fit the histogram. There are a few artefacts from the HDR which I find distracting. It was a pain having to do the HDR six, or so, times before stitching the pano.
I'm sorry to hear that. It was quite a cold day. But an overcast day is good for photography.
Thanks. That would be telling... It was done in post. I doubt it would have worked in camera, given it was hand held. It was a spur of the moment thing. I don't remember plotting anything before the first frame, then I figured I might was well take two more frames. ![]() Daniel Nikon D4, D2Xs, D70, Nikkors and Sigmas lenses from 10 to 400mm
Re: Adelaide's Worldwide Photo WalkNice shots Daniel. I quite like the hdr pano.
This is what I took on the day: Sunset ![]() Skateboarder - this is a bit blurry and some bits are cropped where they shouldn't be, but I like it all the same. ![]()
Re: Adelaide's Worldwide Photo WalkThanks.
That worked quite well. Almost feels like the pyramids...
Yeah, mine were blurry too. ![]() ![]() Daniel Nikon D4, D2Xs, D70, Nikkors and Sigmas lenses from 10 to 400mm
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