Sabbaday Falls, North America USA, NH

A discussion forum - and more - for users of Digital Single Lens Reflex cameras.
biggerry wrote:Its a shot that has potential, I suspect a longer shutter speed and larger f number may have helped, however I reckon a portrait crop to isolate the waterfall and remove as much as the underside of the overhang would go a long way! With the portrait crop I think your original idea of leading the viewer would work better also, the eye would be led up the falls to the forest above..
Also think about the possible use of a Neutral Density Filter and/or polariser in this situations, the polarizer will bring out thos lovely greens and often remove the surface reflection of the water and enable the viewer to see the bottom of the pool (no so much in this case..but)..
Any reccomendations for capturing lush greens and maintaining texture in water.
f16 and up.
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