Sunrise Seascapes

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Sunrise Seascapes

Postby CraigVTR on Wed Jul 22, 2009 7:38 pm

Sunrise turned out to be very ordinary today but I did get two that look ok.
This one is look towards the sun.
This is looking away from (about 120deg) the sun.

Feel free to give critical feedback.
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Re: Sunrise Seascapes

Postby chrisk on Wed Jul 22, 2009 7:44 pm

love the first. the water patterns in the center suck you right in. you could even go for a full mono conversion of that to see what its like.

not too fond of the second. the colur on the right is nice but the clouds make it look unbalanced
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Re: Sunrise Seascapes

Postby zafra52 on Wed Jul 22, 2009 8:36 pm

Both are nice pictures, but prefer the 1st one too. I think it is because is more balanced from a colour perspective. As Rooz commented above it "sucks' you in.
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Re: Sunrise Seascapes

Postby aim54x on Thu Jul 23, 2009 12:34 am

I have to admit that #1 is absolutely stunning and entrancing...I wont repeat what Rooz has said but I would also like to see an ultra saturated colour version of the first as well just to see how that turns out.

GREAT STUFF!!! PS, maybe try a pano crop on the take roughly the middle third....I just noticed it in the post history and that looks interesting!
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Re: Sunrise Seascapes

Postby CraigVTR on Fri Jul 24, 2009 4:35 pm

Thanks for the comments guys.
It is interesting that on the other forums I posted these people thought #2 is the better shot because of the colour but there is a problem you can only see in the full res version. I used a grad nd filter which I reversed to give me a hard line on the horizon, the four stops under exposure gave me the colour. However the line on the horizon is very hard and not level, it dips below the horizon on the left and above on the right. In the full res shot you can see the different exposure on buildings in Caloundra which is dead centre on the horizon. Stuffs up what is, what I thought an otherwise acceptable shot. I find it very hard to line up the nd grad filter when I use it reversed, I may have to buy one of those expensive Sing Ray reverse grad filters.

I have printed up the first shot (A4 at the moment) because I like the wave actiion and the subtle blues and greys. The wave action is what I was trying to achieve and I am happy with that aspect of the shot. I have not tried a mono conversion yet but will give it a go on the weekend. Will also try the pano crop and extra saturation. :D
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