Feedback would be appreciated

On the RocksModerators: Greg B, Nnnnsic, Geoff, Glen, gstark, Moderators
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On the Rocks. . . again for another sunrise shoot
Feedback would be appreciated ![]() Bob
"Wake up and smell the pixels!"
Re: On the RocksVery nice Bob,
you have really developed your own style DebT DebT
"so many dreams - so little time "
Re: On the RocksThis is great. Terrific depth of field, foreground interest, fabulous colours- it has it all. There's really very little wrong with it. Maybe playing with lighting of the top just to add some interest to the clouds?
Really nice and absolutely ready for a wall.
Re: On the RocksBob,
It's been said above, but this is a very impressive image. I'd be keen to see the pre post production shot to see how different it is, would you care sharing? Anyway, I do think this would look fantastic quite large and on canvas! Thanks for sharing. Geoff
Special Moments Photography Nikon D700, 50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.4, 70-200 2.8VR, SB800 & some simple studio stuff.
Re: On the Rocks
Geoff, I've had a look and can't track down the raw file. The tiff is the same as the .jpg so I can't oblige - sorry. That might sound a bit odd - but it was taken last winter and I've since changed from PC to mac and had a big reorganisation/cleanup of my files. I reworked this pic yesterday from a .tiff file which was probably close to the original. It had a blue cast through it due to using auto WB and a bit less contrast and punch. It was also slightly underexposed which gave me good depth of color information. Bob
"Wake up and smell the pixels!"
Re: On the Rocksnice work as usual...... have a play with lab colour
Cheers ....bp....
Difference between a good street photographer and a great street photographer.... Removing objects that do not belong... happy for the comments, but .....Please DO NOT edit my image..... Forever changing
Re: On the RocksYes, another lovely image. My preference is for way less of the dark expanse at the top of the frame - I'd crop it to a third of its height. Otherwise, a top shot.
Frank My photo gallery:
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Re: On the RocksGreat shot ideal for the wall.
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