Another focus stacking example
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:53 am
EOS 5DmkII, Sigma 180mm macro
f/16, ISO 100
This was in the forest on the side of Mount Donna Buang earlier this year. These three Mycena fruiting bodies were tiny. The smallest (middle) one was only a mm or two high, and I only noticed it after I'd set up the initial shot.
Three 25-second frames (with just the focus adjusted between each) were blended in Photoshop CS4. Load as layers, auto-align, then auto-blend (which essentially uses the most "in-focus" areas from each image), then straighten/crop, and voila! Without the stacking the depth of field was very limited. Even here we still have limited DOF, but it's much greater than without the stacking.