Thanks everyone.
Fozzie, I wish you luck with your two shots. But I took around 200 and ditched most of them.
200 shots an hour is a little higher than I normally shoot...
It was too dark for my D2Xs, I need a D3. Even using a monopod I was shooting too slow. But the reflections were impossible. I kept waiting for people wearing dark clothing. But most were kids wearing really bright dresses!
Flash would be one way to fix this. But they are very insistent that none be used. They were even offering to help people who don't know how to use their cameras to turn it off.
I didn't have any trouble with focusing, even with the slow 80-400. Just blur due to operator error, panda movement, or silly shutter speeds.
I should point out to anyone thinking of going is to line up early. If you are the last in the line then you might only see the panda for 10 minutes before having to leave (after being in the queue for 50mins). Being at the front of the line give you maximum time.