Big V wrote: I placed some weights on the font corners to smooth out the paper and it worked a treat as they were never in the shots.
That's one way to do it.
Another trick is to reverse the paper setup: Put the roll on the floor, and pull it up onto your stands, holding it in place with strong clips. This means that the problems of the edge on the floor never ... comes up.
It also puts less strain and weight on your stands, which will be somewhat top heavy when used in the manner that you have them here.
Don't forget that the paper is two sided; what colour is the back?
I like the way the purple contrasts with the orange; it works very well in this instance. Get some white and some black as well. The white can assume any colour you wish, with suitable gels and some extra lights.
And as Suren suggested, increasing the distance between the background and your subject affords you even greater control, as you can utilise light falloff to help with isolating your subjects and backgrounds.