bigsarg7 wrote:I found even on the tele last night there was a lot more smoke about this year,!
yeah smoke was crazy...there was not enough breeze to carry it away fast enough - on teh way home it was still lingering over in newtown.
Remorhaz wrote:Nothing you can do but in some ways I find the smoky haze a little distracting - although I guess in some ways it adds to the feel - I think I was just lucky and had the wind blowing it away from me behind the fireworks?
yeah, being on the north shore was the prime place this yeah, this meant the majority of teh smake was behind the fireworks... man, you reckon at 5 million smackaroos they could work how to make them smokeless
Remorhaz wrote:Does anyone know of a good vantage point where you can get those shots from up very high looking down the harbour towards the opera house/city/bridge? Presumably some huge tower (if they exist) at Kirribilli or Cremorne Point?
I wonder if Julia would like some company?
surenj wrote:Looks like you got some keepers despite the 'island in your way'.
I quite like #1 with it's haze and smoke. It's a viewpoint that I haven't seen before.
Did you push-bike it?
Yeah, i knew the island was there, but in hindsight it is a bit of a sore thumb. Anyway, I did not want to do the same place as 2008 so I am happy I tried this new location.
Push bike! certainly did, there is nothing better than the 20 minute ride past all teh banked up traffic! It was great to see lots more peeps out there with the pushies as well - it makes sense, cause you can knock back a few beers and not have to worry...
stubbsy wrote: Was that spot uber crowded?
nope, Ballast Point is not listed as a vantage point on teh official NYE guide, the majority of people there are families and you could pretty easiy get a possie on the fence line up on the cliff, obviously in the minutes leading up to 12 it was a bit a made rush of drunken togs and mums...
Although, man there was a lot of coppers tehre, there was even the riot squad...I guess them babies can really get outta control..hoons..