good first go at studio! you had some nice angles and good exposure in all of the images!
my only critiques is to watch your cropping as you have cut off legs or feet in a few of the pics. If you do it the right way it makes great compositions, but if you dont put much thought into it, then it can present like lazy composition. I like the one where you looked down on the
model and cropped in on her face only. my experience with studio
model shoots is that alot of the time, the
model makes THE big difference between mediocre and great shots. I shot two
models and basically threw most of the pics out of one, while the other had dozens of keepers. The other thing you can do is play alot with lighting and shadows and use bounce to make the images more dramatic... Im not sure that this
model's choice of clothing/colour worked that great on the black back drop tho.
As for sharpening your images i would try what chris said by using the unsharp mask in PP.
anyways, great job,
Keep em comin...