Remorhaz wrote:I think your streams shots really capture that lush wet feel of the location perfectly. I only wish I'd taken my tripod to the rainforest and taken some shots in the stream - not that we actually had enough time to shoot all the things that were readily available
yeah, that hour and half went real fast...I coulda stayed there for ages!
radar wrote:An improvement for the first one, for an already really nice photograph, would be to try to get a bit more out of the shadows on the left, not too much, just a bit more detail, if you can.
I did have a look at that, but I am pushing the limits on the sensor there - I really should have bracketed that shot. That said I will try and get just a fraction more detail out of it - I agree havng a little more detail would defintiely work better than a black blob!
radar wrote:my favourites would be the waterfalls, lots to explore and I like the compositions.
I think we were actually spoilt with the quantity of compositions available, there was enough compositions in one set of falls to keep you occupied for hours.
Wink wrote:I really like #1.
I find the foreground water in #3 and #5 a little distracting. It's lost that really white look to it. A crop without it might look better?
hmm, interesting, I may take another look and see what can be done about the brightness of the water there since I like these compositions since they lead up to main waterfall..
Jenno wrote:Yeah well stop complaining and fix 'em Thats what the clone tool is for
ahh man.. that means I gotta open another program, thats a good 10 seconds taken outta my 5 minute limit and theres heaps of droplets...damn fine mist, we need a filter with a set of squidgy wipers on it...
Jenno wrote:Did you find that with the polarizer that you lost some of the water movement effect ...dulled the white water somewhat if you know what I mean.
yep, always does. it also makes for a different look on the wispy water effect, for example look at Garys waterfall shots and compare them to mine or Rodneys (who also had a CPL).
Its a bit of a catch 22 really and it takes some trial and error to get used to it, I took some shots in the middle of that deep pool but they turned out very bland due to the lack of water movement (reflections) picked up by the CPL.
Jenno wrote:Liking them a lot worth the paddle...any leeches
no leeches or ticks and no mozzie bites..a bit weird really I expected to come home with something...