Reading between the lines i assume these are about the change in weather? although looking back its hard to tell
The first does nothing for me, i even looked up that dude John Blakemore but it still does nothing for me but i do see some similarity in the style at least.
What I see is a blurry window (could be water/rain, but would not be sure purely from teh image) and some blurry tree branches/leaves giving some sense of movement? nope that could just be the rain on teh window. I guess at the end of teh day a image has to connect and 'speak' to teh viewer, it does not for me - obviously some viewers, like my self, maybe artistically challenged and cannot see further into the image but others can and see a connection, ie Gary and Patrick.
The second is much along the same lines, now if that glass had scotch in it then we could be talking