The camera has a number of B&W
modes including B&W straight conversion...B&W with yellow filter...B&W with red filter and sepia tone. I haven't tried them all out yet but what is apparent is that the lack of an optical anti aliasing filter renders very sharp images with a wonderful tonal range. I'm guessing that when I get familiar with the cameras image quality settings I will be able to fine tune the jpgs to my own taste. The amount of fine detail and shadow detail is very really took me by suprise, and finally, the images have a classical 'film' look to them that I haven't seen from a digital camera before.
MJ, I tweaked the contrast a tad on these as I had it set to low in-camera. This is something that could easily be fine tuned in you can with sharpness and shadow detail.
The following image is a bit grubby and needs some loving processing...but check out the detail in the shadows...
Hmmmm. I didn't do that too well.