Thanks everyone.
To answer the general questions:
- Yes it's in colour, though I do have one in black and white
- I took this around 7:15 in the morning. Specs of the photo were - 75s, f8, ASA50.
- There were people around but fortunately they were moving around enough that they didn't appear in the photo. It also helped that it was early Christmas morning so it was unlikely to be crowded. During the day, it tends to be crowded with a combination of tourists, locals and street vendors making this emptiness a fairly rare occurence
- I used a grad filter, I didn't have time to stack the ND as the light was quickly changing and substantially affecting the image dynamics. There was no diffraction filter and the light flares were natural
- I was wearing thermals and a rather thick jacket, though the gloves weren't doing that great a job (incidentally, I lost them later in the morning