zeddy wrote:the technique i used to take the above photos was underexpose the background and use flash to light your subject.
i used this technique because thats what most web sites about learning on camera flash tell you to do.
mostly right. you use your cameras meter to expose the background and then you use the alternate light source, the flash, to expose the foreground subject. the difficulty is that doing this without a soft light, (some form of softbox), mostly yeilds photographs that look flashed.
maybe try dragging the shutter a little and look for a genuine fill flash as opposed to full blown.
i would assume given your result you're at something like 1/250s, f8, iso100. really hard to get soft results from that kind of setting cos your flash is having to work overtime to expose the foreground. the key is to make the flash work as softly as possible and using as large a light as possible off camera if possible.
look up some tutorials on balancing flash with ambient, dragging the shutter, fill flash etc. or just go whole hog and visit
http://strobist.blogspot.com.au/ and run thru the lighting tutorials. without doubt the best lighting resource on the internet or anywhere for that matter.