Pics from my first wedding shootModerators: Greg B, Nnnnsic, Geoff, Glen, gstark, Moderators
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Shots #1, #3 & #5 look to be shot with natural light.
#1 is great - but perhaps just a little busy with the blinds. The thing I love most about the shot is the soft lighting. #2 looks like they have been blasted with flash a little too much. Would have been hard to shoot - particularly from thta angle as the bride and groom are quite contrasty where as the decking seems not to be. #3 I like the soft lighting you achieved with natural light, but the mix of light sources has given a couple of different colours - my second favourite image. #4 as #2 - looks like a strong flash hit. What setting was the flash on? I imagine you would have had trouble with any auto settings on the SB800 given the subject matter being at both extremes of light and dark. #5 - a tricky one with the lighting you had to work with. A tighter crop on the hands may improve it - and maybe a bit of dodging and burning or if you are using PSCS then moderate use of the highlight shadow function might balance the lighting a bit better. Was this the wedding you were doing a few weeks ago? Craig
Yes, that was it, fair bit of contrast involved between a dark skinned groom in black and a white skinned bride in white
Unfortunately the sun was low in the sky and the bride was facing into it. Given the skin colours it would have been better for the groom to face the sun and the bride be shaded but nothing I could do about it in the circumstances. Shot 3 was a long natural light exposure on a tripod. Yeah agree with shot 4, too much flash. Happy with shot 1.
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