First, many thanks to all for the kind words and compliments.
Chris: Not bad for a non-Sigma lens, do ya think?
Mic: Thanks, but I don't need any more thorns...
Rob: Yes, it's not a cheap lens. Not sure what you mean about the noisy background. Both were only shot at ISO 800.
I don't find the backgrounds objectionable, but you're right, I'm sure some NR would smooth it out.
Matt: You think I'd use a cheap trick like a spray bottle??
Ozimax: umm, I don't think I have much, if any "ultra micro stuff". That takes a lot more time and patience than I generally have... Dunno what I've got with this lens, that might have heaps of microscopic detail. I'll post what I have, in that regard. Right now, I don't have access to many interesting insects and the ones I do have, like to play hide and seek...