Of course you'll never get the same shot again
You'll only get better shots next time from the stuff you learned this time.
Everybody has to start from somewhere and I'm by no means an expert when it comes to wedding photography with the D70. Only wedding I've taken part in with the D70 was my cousin's wedding dinner. Luckily the photographer was really friendly and had a nice chat with him, he even gave me some advice about the settings, etc
Something that he shared with me, which I've been practising a lot of lately, is when using the flash, to open the aperture up wide and bump the shutter speed down to around 1/50 or 1/40 so you a bit of the background to warm up the scene, while the flash lightens up the foreground.
I know some may disagree while others do. It's a subjective thing
Keep practising with the D70 and keep learning from the forums
Still can't believe how friendly everyone is around here
I'm too used to forums where people have too much ego and attitude.