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PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 1:38 pm
by JED
Here is a portrait of my beautiful friend that I did a little while ago.

Would love to do it again with my new d50, but the old Canon A30 1.2 megapixel p&s did a pretty good job I reckon.

A bit of pp was done to "glam" it up a bit. She loved it, which was the most important thing. Pity she's os at the moment.

Critique welcome.

Cheers, John D


PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 1:47 pm
by Nnnnsic

Good looking girl.

I do think that you need a bit of contrast work there... the image seems a tad too brighty and grainy for me... but good job overall.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 3:19 pm
by Hlop
Very nice portrait. IMHO, face should be bit darker but in any other aspect I like it

PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 5:17 pm
by robboh
Lucky Jed to have a friend like that who will let him take pics of her :)

PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 5:20 pm
by birddog114
robboh wrote:Lucky Jed to have a friend like that who will let him take pics of her :)

Nice lady! new D50! good shot! very tempting!!!!
I wish I'm lucky too! :lol:

PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 7:05 pm
by robboh
Birddog114 wrote:Nice lady! new D50! good shot! very tempting!!!!
I wish I'm lucky too! :lol:

Im just curious to know what other shots she got him to take that he HASNT posted :lol:

PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 7:31 pm
by birddog114
robboh wrote:
Birddog114 wrote:Nice lady! new D50! good shot! very tempting!!!!
I wish I'm lucky too! :lol:

Im just curious to know what other shots she got him to take that he HASNT posted :lol:

We might find out later if he dare to. :shock:

PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 8:14 pm
by nito
what I wanna know is who is tugging the shirt. :shock:

PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 8:17 pm
by birddog114
nito wrote:what I wanna know is who is tugging the shirt. :shock:

Pls. stop right here! I think I'll need to get the Viagra :lol: :lol:

PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 8:59 pm
by Slider
Nice shot Jed. Nice subject too :D

PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 11:06 am
by nito
Birddog114 wrote:
Pls. stop right here! I think I'll need to get the Viagra :lol: :lol:

hahah. Sorry, Sorry! There are better products than viagra now days :o

PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 4:08 pm
by ajo43
i reckon this might look really good in B&W with the contrast dialed down a tad and a bit of softening applied

PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 5:30 pm
by Willy wombat
The naughtyness makes it a very interesting photo. You are lucky to have attractive friends who will pose for you.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 5:33 pm
by flipfrog
good portrait!
i agree that this shot might be a good black and white conversion with contrast bumps....

is that a wardrobe malfunction? :shock:

PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 8:56 am
by leek
flipfrog wrote:good portrait!
i agree that this shot might be a good black and white conversion with contrast bumps....

is that a wardrobe malfunction? :shock:

I think her bumps have plenty of contrast Dee :-)

This portrait is great JED although a little bit of eye contact might have made it a little more saucy...

I'd love to see a nice soft B&W version as well... I think it would probably look really good.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 11:19 am
by JED
Hmm. Seem to have started something here.

Thanks for the comments, glad that you all enjoyed that image. It's one of my favourites. Doesn't hurt that she's drop dead gorgeous.

Here are a couple more from other sessions. Not sure about posting others as you blokes might get over excited or be offended by nudity. :shock: :lol: :lol: .



Hope you enjoy.

Cheers, John D

PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 11:27 am
by Willy wombat
Ged - if you are worried by nudity or over-exciting the oldies on this site you could post pics as a link with a warning. The first picture you posted has a nice dated feel, Is it a duotone? Is it a little grainy? Was is a crop?

Cheers WW

PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 1:14 pm
by gstark

We have no issues with nudity here. Obviously, we don't want porn (well, some might) but nudity in good taste is always welcome.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 1:27 pm
by kipper
Speak for yourself Gary!

PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 3:03 pm
by gstark
kipper wrote:Speak for yourself Gary!


I'm petty sure I have right to suggest what is and isn't acceptable here.

If a member has a doubt about an image's acceptability, then there is nothing to prevent them from discussing that with me beforehand.

But I have an intense dislike of censorship, and as I said, if it's in good taste, then it's welcome. If, afgter posting, I see something that I have an issue with, then I can move the posting out of the public eye, I can discuss it with the author, and I can even do both.

But nudity to me is not offensive, and as I said, I have no problems with it being poisted.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 3:11 pm
by kipper
I was joking btw :)

PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 3:16 pm
by gstark
kipper wrote:I was joking btw :)

I wasn't sure, and I also wasn't sure whether your comment was referring to the nudity or porn section of my seponse. :)

Not an issue though, because it helps others to understand what is and isn't permitted here.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 3:24 pm
by kipper
I was refering to the porn. However I do realise it's out of place to post photos of such nature here. You'd also hope, that those that post here would know the boundaries of what can and can't be posted. Then again I suppose everybodies perception of what is acceptable and what isn't, varies from individual to individual.

I think nudity as long as it's artistic shouldn't be an issue. A friend from work once showed me and the rest of the company some nude photos he'd taken of himself and his girlfriend. They were quite artistic, nothing explicit about them. I think I remember seeing a billboard for Bill Henson exhibition with a girl that was fully nude but the way he lit the scene resulted a lot of the girls modesty being hidden.

Warning --- Nudity

PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 10:54 pm
by JED
gstark wrote:John,

We have no issues with nudity here. Obviously, we don't want porn (well, some might) but nudity in good taste is always welcome.

Thanks Gary. I hadn't noticed any nude studies on the forum and I didn't find anything mentioned in the forum guidelines so thought that there may have been an "unwritten" rule that as a newbie I would not have been aware of. Porn is more than adequately catered for elsewhere on the net and I agree that there is no place for it on this forum.

Willy wombat wrote:Ged - if you are worried by nudity or over-exciting the oldies on this site you could post pics as a link with a warning. The first picture you posted has a nice dated feel, Is it a duotone? Is it a little grainy? Was is a crop?
Hi WW, That picture was shot on b&w film and scanned. I tried to style it along the lines of those the film star studio portraits from the 40's but blowing out the highlights and adding some colour to create a "fantasy" atmosphere. Yes, it is a crop.

Here is another shot from that session that was pp'd differently, chasing a surreal effect.


Cheers, John D