Great to see some work from you after reading so many of your posts.
I am not saying that this quote I shall give applies directly to you but this experience of yours, along with recent findings of others, has prompted me to post it:
"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera"
- Dorothea Lange
Another quote which I have held dear for aeons is from Galileo Galilei:
"If the worlkd is boring you, take more interest in it."
Wandering with a camera, inquisitive eyes and an open mind is as good a way to encounter self-enlightenment and self-fulfillment as I have been able to find.
You have seen and reacted to things in what I see as a celebration of the wonder that surrounds us. Within those images there are some great compositions which, with a bit of judicious cropping and examination, will break free and make an even greater reward both for you and the viewer.
Keep it up,