dooda wrote:I personally don't think that you made these any better by desaturating, but assuming that you tried both you liked the desaturated look a little better. Or maybe its the lack of contrast that grabs me...or doesn't grab me rather. There is some rust and some potential in those clouds that don't seem to have been brought to full potetial. Particularly the last one and second to last one (which compositionally doesn't seem to work for me either).
I'd rather see these a little more close up. Looks like you intended to get a little up close with some of them (the sand drift would make a great subject to itself) but I don't think you got up close enough. That said, the bus stop is pretty great. Maybe it's my style, but I'd like to see less of a crop for some reason.
Where Nick's saturation brings separation to the buildings and the sand, your desaturation seems to grey them together somehow.
Dave thanks for the detailed critique. I tried desat since I did the exact opposite on my last visit (thread
You're spot on about the close up and, while I did do some close ups, I'd have liked to have done more - save that for next time.
Sadly I have to agree with the composition on the last shot. The person in the distance (Nick actually) just doesn't stand out enough to justify the off centre placement.