Workshop success!

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Workshop success!

Postby r2160 on Sat Jan 08, 2005 2:40 pm

Hi all

I would like to put a big thanks to all you guys for your help this morning with the workshop. Learnt heaps and those lenses we played with . . .

A big thanks especially to birddog for his amazing hospitality, bringing all that stuff and letting us play.

thanks guys, I look forward to the next one.

If only I could figure out how to use it now ;-)

I finally got one!
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Postby leek on Sat Jan 08, 2005 2:53 pm

I'd like to thank everyone and especially Birddog aswell... It was great to meet everyone (only half of whose names I remember) and to see and play with such an array of great hardware...

As a bonus my dust-bunnies are gone...

Thanks to our most generous host Birddog for holding the event... I'll be back with my folding stuff when I've figured out what I need / want...

I've uploaded some of the photos I took this morning (with various lenses) at Hope you enjoy...

Hope the guys enjoyed their long lens session this afternoon... Can't wait to see some of the results...
Last edited by leek on Sat Jan 08, 2005 4:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Cheers, John
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D700; D200; Tokina 12-24; Nikkor 50mm f1.4,18-70mm,85mm f1.8, 105mm,80-400VR, SB-800s; G1227LVL; RRS BH-55; Feisol 1401
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Postby HappyFotographer on Sat Jan 08, 2005 3:01 pm

Wahh, I ended up not being able to make it.

I only had a small window of opportunity to start with, and it managed to get closed rapidly.

Glad to hear all enjoyed, will keep an eye out for the next one.
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Postby stubbsy on Sat Jan 08, 2005 8:22 pm

As another newbie I can but endorse what has already been said about the unbelievable generosity of birddog. Great host, great venue, great company, great food (and the camera gear wasn't bad either :wink: ).

I also went to the long lens workshop and am now sifting through 500 odd shots. Maybe one will be worth posting!

Hope I'm not the only one sunburnt or I'll feel pretty stupid (even used blockout!) :oops:

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Postby Onyx on Sat Jan 08, 2005 8:31 pm

Hi everyone, check out the forum member's gallery under my pixspot account - I'll update it in coming days with pics of the new people I've met at this meet, once I go through them.

The main group are still at their long lens workshop as I type - Woody and I came home after dinner cos we lived so far away and it's been a long day; but I'd like to thank everyone for coming this morning - it was great to meet so many new people, and to Birddog and Mrs Birddog for their generous hospitality once again. They are truly amazing people!

As Gary mentioned (he showed up late in the afternoon at Blues Point), today has really been 3 meets - one at 4am, the VR club; 1 starting at 8, the "mini" meet, and the long lens one in the afternoon.

I'm sure many will post images from today shortly. I probably will too once I sort them out.

Thanks again everyone for a great meet. :)
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Postby Jenno on Sat Jan 08, 2005 10:10 pm

That was one excellent meet. :D

Thanks to all who shared knowlege, gear and friendship and to Matt for showing me I had dust bunnies and more importantly how to get rid of them.
And special thanks to Birddog for his warm welcome, hospitality and for allowing us to touch and feel the good gear.

I'll be back PS Birddog... drat...I think I left my jacket drapped over a chair...thats the one with your 70 200 vr in the pocket

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Postby birddog114 on Sat Jan 08, 2005 10:33 pm

I know the reason, it's for the excuse with the wife to come back to get the jacket :wink:
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Postby birddog114 on Sun Jan 09, 2005 8:13 am

Hi All,

I would like to thanks all your participations yesterday in 3 meets.

Thanks to RU32 family was travelling long way from Canberra with the lovely crackers and special homemade dips, same to Woody with homemade muffins, Stubbsy with his fruitcake from Newcastle, Glen with a full bag of fruits, and all others with your generously hearts to the Tsunami Victims in SEA.

Special thanks to Matt.K, Onyx to help members on CCD cleaning and sharing your experiences, techniques at my base same as at Blues Point.

Your contributions are the succeses of the and help it grows stronger.

I hope to see all of your again in the next meets.
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Postby Raydar on Sun Jan 09, 2005 8:24 am

Great to see another successful meeting.
I’m looking forward to being at one soon time soon!!!!!! 8)

Ray :P
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Postby timbo on Sun Jan 09, 2005 8:40 am

I'd like to add my thanks also to everybody who showed up, for an inspiring morning and the chance to try out my 'dream team' lenses. Birddy, you're a star! :D I was sorry to miss the long lens workshop in the afternoon but look forward to seeing some of the other members' shots. There was so much good glass available to work with and dang, we gave those bunnies a hiding so there should be lots of clean sky!

It was great to meet so many other D70 fans and feel that this group has a real camaraderie. I look forward to catching up again soon.

Birddy, I'm building you and your wife a small cabin in my backyard - heck, I live in Bondi, so I must be able to afford it, as you said! :wink:
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Postby ajo43 on Sun Jan 09, 2005 8:54 am

one of these days i will get there!! Until then I just read posts like this and weep.

But I had a good excuse. Was at a good friend's wedding. Will post pics soon..

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Postby W00DY on Sun Jan 09, 2005 11:23 am

Hi all,

As everyone has said we had a great time yesterday both at Birdy's place (sorry I didn't get your order of Lobster Birdy) and then at Blues Point and then on to the pub for dinner.

Here a couple of shots I don't mind to much:



As usual I love gettig feedback on my images so if you have any...

I only had a 70 - 300 on my D70 so could not get any decent ones of the bridge climbers. Looks like Glen will get the prize afterall ;)

Sorry I had to leave early (before the city lights came on) but if I had have stayed longer I would not have been able to drive home :)

Looking forward to catching up again soon.


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Postby stubbsy on Sun Jan 09, 2005 3:30 pm


The first one is great. I love the composition & you've nailed the light on the water. Second one though just doesn't grab me. Technically I like it - lighting is great, image sharp as a tack, great DOF, but (there's always a but) I think maybe it's a little busy. But hey what would I know. Haven't posted any pics yet since pixspot is down ATM, but have 1 or 2 to show the light of day - especially thanks to birddog for loaning me the 80-400 VR for a play.
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Postby Killakoala on Sun Jan 09, 2005 4:20 pm

Yep, both nice and sharp. i have a few of the small boat as well so it's really nice to see how others percieve the subject.

The second one is very busy but i like those sort of pics. It gice the viewer plenty to look at.

Thanks for showing.
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Postby ru32day on Sun Jan 09, 2005 8:50 pm

Thanks to everyone for making our family feel so welcome yesterday and especial thanks to Birdy and his wife for their hospitality and Matt the dustbunny destroyer extraordinaire for his advice and assistance.

Our son even managed to get a shot that would be great for the comp. Since it won't be eligible (being shot on a Coolpix 995), we were going to post it for inspiration purposes and/or critique, but now we're thinking we might steal his idea and try to reproduce the shot.

It was a terrific environment for learning and inspiration, and for viewing all that luscious gear!
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Postby W00DY on Sun Jan 09, 2005 8:59 pm

Killakoala wrote:
The second one is very busy but i like those sort of pics. It gice the viewer plenty to look at.

Thanks for showing.

Thanks Stubbsy & Killakoala,

Yeah there is a lot going on in the second one but as Killa said I actually don't mind it. I personally like the fact that I captured only a part of the ferry. What I don't like about it is the small boat in the background & I think I could have framed the Opera house a little better. But oh well there is always next time.


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Postby skippy on Mon Jan 10, 2005 2:18 am

Wish I could have made it... :cry: Will try to make it to a minimeet in the next few weeks.

W00DY, I really like the simplicity of the first pic, and it has great DOF. Second one is a bit busy for me, I'd probably crop off the bottom part below about the lifebelt rings. Saw it on screen and liked it, then realised how far down it went.
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Postby W00DY on Mon Jan 10, 2005 11:35 am

skippy wrote:Wish I could have made it... :cry: Will try to make it to a minimeet in the next few weeks.

W00DY, I really like the simplicity of the first pic, and it has great DOF. Second one is a bit busy for me, I'd probably crop off the bottom part below about the lifebelt rings. Saw it on screen and liked it, then realised how far down it went.

Thanks Mate,

I wish you had have made it also as I am interested in talking to you about your 50 - 500 Sigma (I think it was you that had this lens).

I will have to chat with you next time we both make it to a meet.

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Postby skippy on Tue Jan 11, 2005 1:42 am

Check out the impressions I posted in the Equipment forum if you haven't seen it already. Happy to let you have a play with it when we meet up. The Dobroyd Head meet on Jan 22 is looking good, if I haven't had someone else plan something for me. I can always plead birthday privilege! :D
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Postby BBJ on Tue Jan 11, 2005 1:49 am

Nice shots and looks like all had fun.
Stubbsy since you had the 80-400 vr i would love to know about the focussing speed. would be nice to get pics from it and even something moving at a good pace maybe birdy might do some for me. What did you think of it?
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