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Jenolan Caves, March 20, 2005

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 12:35 pm
by gstark
OK, y'all, the date has now been confirmed by the Jenolan Caves Trust.

This will effectively be a private tour of the caves, for members only. Please register your interest for this day under this thread.

Tripops and monopods will be permitted - normally they are not. The trust has requested that we provide them with CDs of the images we shoot (300DPI) that they may use as they see fit. We will be free to use our images as we normally would, except that they may not be used for commercial purposes. If you have an issue with these conditions, please do not attend.

Also please let us know if you have an interest in any of the following ...

1: Evening of March 19 - Sunset shoot at Blackheath.

2: Evening of March 19 - Dinner

3: Coach trip to and from the caves.

The details of the various add-ons are yet to be worked out, and will be dependant upon the interest generated and numbers involved.

We will be assuming that you will be organising your own transport to and from the caves.

Parking at the caves will be free fo members, subject to presentation of an appropriate authorisation/voucher from the Caves Trust. The appropriate voucher will be made available at a later date.

Nigels, many thanx for taking the time and initiative to organise this event for us. Your efforts are well appreciated.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 12:43 pm
by birddog114
Here is the list with registered members on the other thread

So far I have 19 members, + 17 member's family in bracket, who're interested in this Jenolan Caves meet:

- birddog (4)
- Gary
- Leigh
- Matt.K (1)
- Woody (1)
- Stubbsy
- Hilop (2)
- Skippsy
- Sheepie
- Geoff (1)
- JordanP (1)
- MJ
- Killakoala
- Coolhand (3)
- Finno
- Leek (2)
- Stubbsy
- MHD (2)
- Werewolf

For overnight so far I have: (member's family in bracket) Saturday March 19.
O= Overnight/ D = Dinner/ C= Coach


- Stubbsy ( O + D + C)
- Matt.K (1) ( O + D )
- Leek (2)
- Birrddog (4) (O + D)

Jenolan Caves

- Sheepie
- Killakoala
- Werewolf

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 12:44 pm
by stubbsy
Please add me to the registered list (just me). I'm also interested in each of:

1: Evening of March 19 - Sunset shoot at Blackheath.
2: Evening of March 19 - Dinner
3: Coach trip to and from the caves.


PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 12:45 pm
by JordanP
I'm certainly interested to head down on the morning of the 20th (as shooting a wedding on the 19th). To do this I would need a lift for my wife and I. Anyone got 2 spare seats?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 12:54 pm
by sheepie
I'm a definate - family is a possibility, although they'll just join a public tour of the caves at some point.

We'll probably look at camping the Saturday and maybe Friday nights.

Anyone else interested in Camping? Let's organise as a group as well :)

I'm also a possible for the dinner.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 1:01 pm
by birddog114
Aren't we talking on two sites:
- Camping / Hotel/ Motel and dinner at Blackheath
- Camping and dinner at Jenolan Caves

I'll be with the Blackheath site
The Blackheath site is definately for workshop in the afternoon (dusk)
and dinner in the evening, then overnight right on spot.

The Jenolan Caves site, I'm assuming the same but don't know who's going to lead that group and have it planned for the evening.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 1:15 pm
by birddog114
Members who wish to stay at Blackheath, here's the link: ... stArea=351

And for Jenolan Caves:

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 1:32 pm
by MHD
I still have to confirm with the domestic/financial supervisor :) But I am Keen

(not official yet... Will confirm soon)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 1:42 pm
by rokkstar
I've only just read this topic.
I would absoloutely love to go but I've not been a member on here for very long. Is this for senior members only?

I think I would only be able to go to the cave day if there is room. Otherwise I'll talk to my boss (girlfrind) and see whether she would be interested in the sundet trip. She likes taking photos too although she has a canon (spit).

BY that time we should have our tent arrived from the UK too so would love to camp.

What are the timings for the coach? By that I mean, where would it pick people up from and when would it be coming back etc?

Many thanks


PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 1:56 pm
by birddog114
rokkstar wrote:I've only just read this topic.
I would absoloutely love to go but I've not been a member on here for very long. Is this for senior members only?

I think I would only be able to go to the cave day if there is room. Otherwise I'll talk to my boss (girlfrind) and see whether she would be interested in the sundet trip. She likes taking photos too although she has a canon (spit).

BY that time we should have our tent arrived from the UK too so would love to camp.

What are the timings for the coach? By that I mean, where would it pick people up from and when would it be coming back etc?

Many thanks



1/ you don't have to gain the senior member status to get involved with all the activities in our forum, more welcome you to this excursion trip.
2/ Register your interesting on this thread is enough to have your name on the list for the day trip.
3/ Travelling by coach? I don't know yet coz members want to drive their car to and from.
4/ Welcome members with Canon brand! :D
5/ If you want to do a sunset workshop we only do at Blackheath with the group overnight there and I don't know about at Jenolan Caves.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 1:57 pm
by sheepie
Birddog114 wrote:The Jenolan Caves site, I'm assuming the same but don't know who's going to lead that group and have it planned for the evening.

I'm happy to work with Nigel on making sure we have a booking at the campsite, and organise something for the Sat night (camp BBQ, etc.).

Anyone interested in camping please PM me and we'll sort it all out.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 1:58 pm
by MHD
There is only one thing I would like to clarify: Since the images are for non-commercial use only (by us) are we permitted to use them in our own portfolios when they could be used to advertise our services?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 2:11 pm
by MHD
Yep! Where in.
MHD+2 (Louise and Isabelle)

Good work Nigels!!!!

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 2:17 pm
by birddog114
MHD wrote:Yep! Where in.
MHD+2 (Louise and Isabelle)

Good work Nigels!!!!

In where?
Blackheath (O/D/C)


Jenolan Caves (O/D/C)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 2:40 pm
by MHD

Well we will be camping probably.. Is the Blackheath campsite nice?

Not quite decided on that... just wanted to get in for the caves before it filled :)

All being well I will be at the sunset shoot on saturday..
(who is organising the weather?)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 2:49 pm
by birddog114
MHD wrote:Hmmmm....

Well we will be camping probably.. Is the Blackheath campsite nice?

Not quite decided on that... just wanted to get in for the caves before it filled :)

All being well I will be at the sunset shoot on saturday..
(who is organising the weather?)

I don't know any campsite at Blackheath
As said the sunset workshop only at Blackheath on Saturday 19.
Perhaps someone might Sunset workshop at Jenolan Caves as well.
Weather? who knows, that why we choose hotel/ motel and we know we won't get wet and the gear too.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 2:50 pm
by MHD
Not worried about the gear getting wet :)

Worried about getting a good sunset!!

Given a good campsite I sometimes prefer camping...

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 2:54 pm
by gstark

MHD wrote:There is only one thing I would like to clarify: Since the images are for non-commercial use only (by us) are we permitted to use them in our own portfolios when they could be used to advertise our services?

That's a damn good question. Nigel, could you please clarify this point for us?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 2:58 pm
by birddog114
MHD wrote:Not worried about the gear getting wet :)

Worried about getting a good sunset!!

Given a good campsite I sometimes prefer camping...

PM sheepie, he'll camp at Jenolan Caves

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 2:58 pm
by gstark
Birddog114 wrote:Gary,
Aren't we talking on two sites:
- Camping / Hotel/ Motel and dinner at Blackheath
- Camping and dinner at Jenolan Caves

Kind of, yes, although I think it might be better off with just the one campsite, that being at the caves. That way we're not having to deal with 17 small and diverse groups of people running all over the countryside.

My thoughts are hotel/motel + dinner in Blackheath, or camping + camp fire dinner at JC. That of course would be ideal for those of us who play guitar etc ...

Mind you, it's been a bloody long time since I've pitched a tent (other than my new light tent) and these days my tastes run more towards the Ritz end of town than canvass and air mattresses.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 3:08 pm
by sheepie
awwww come on Gary - where's your sense of adventure?

I'll be bringing some Red, and there's nothing better than sitting around a campfire sipping and telling lies about our past lives!

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 3:18 pm
by nigels
Hi all,

First of all, it's been a pleasure to arrange something for the forum. Being a complete but enthusiastic amatuer I can't really give much help or advice on photo related issues (hope this changes in the future) so anything I can do to contribute I am glad to do.

Re use of photos for portfolios etc is perfectly alright, in fact in may be appropriate for me to put something to that effect on Trust letterhead.

Also the camping ground is fine, doesn't require booking, but may be a little difficult to find, particularly if you arrive after dark. It's easy when you know where, so I'll post a mud map closer to the event.


PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 3:21 pm
by MHD
Great! Well that is terrific, especially for those of us building a portfolio.

What facilities does the campground have?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 3:22 pm
by gstark
sheepie wrote:awwww come on Gary - where's your sense of adventure?

I'll be bringing some Red, and there's nothing better than sitting around a campfire sipping and telling lies about our past lives!

Actually, that would be my sense of mis-adventure! And you think I don't know that ???

My problem on an air matress would be my arthritis.

My sciatica.

My obesity.

To name but a few issues.

I have to admit I'm very tempted ...

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 3:24 pm
by MHD
A Campfire, guitar (not me playing) and a few beers or couple of glasses of Shiraz.... mmmm....

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 3:26 pm
by nigels

The camping ground is pretty basic, its situated by the Jenolan River and does have small wood bar-b-ques, toilets, tap water and hot showers


PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 3:27 pm
by sheepie
nigels wrote:Hi,

The camping ground is pretty basic, its situated by the Jenolan River and does have small wood bar-b-ques, toilets, tap water and hot showers


Any camping ground that has HOT SHOWERS is NOT BASIC!


PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 3:29 pm
by MHD

I think that nabs it...

I'm Camping...

I'm sure we can set up some sort of workshop at the site for the arvo

How much water in the river? we could do a water/river wshop... how to get the whole silk effect etc...

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 4:20 pm
by Werewolf
Hmmmmm.......sounds terrific! Good work Nigel :wink:

March 20 is my geburstag. I was planning on walking the 6 ft Track that weekend - from Jenolan Caves!! Wonder if I could combine both the caves tour and the 3-day walk? Rather - would I have enough energy to do both!

Even better my best mate lives on Jenolan Caves Rd, in Good Forest. Stay there Friday night, meet the D70 horde Saturday a.m., camp with the D70 horde Saturday night (red wine and campfire sounds cosy), spend the next 3 days hoofing it to Katoomba? Any other brave souls interested in this torture? :D :shock:

At this stage count me in. Need to work out a few logistics with the family this end.

This should be a fantastic weekend.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 4:45 pm
by MHD
What a great night for a campfire...

March 20 is the Equinox!!!!


PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 4:49 pm
by gstark
MHD wrote:March 20 is the Equinox!!!!



PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 7:18 pm
by Killakoala
Sounds great. Count me in for the camping thingy. (Sheepie PM'd)

If i remember correctly (don't quote me on this) but last time i used the toilet at the caves campsite, a redback spider crawled on me. It might have been at Wombeyan caves though, it was quite some time ago but i am sure that particular spider is long dead by now.

Also, if my memory also serves me correct, it might be difficult to find a sunset at the caves campsite as i seem to recall having to drive down a steep cliff to get to it. Sunset might be at about 3pm down there :) so i suggest we locate somehwere higher up the valley for this adventure/shoot. (But once again, don't quote me on this)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 7:23 pm
by birddog114
Killakoala wrote:Sounds great. Count me in for the camping thingy. (Sheepie PM'd)

If i remember correctly (don't quote me on this) but last time i used the toilet at the caves campsite, a redback spider crawled on me. It might have been at Wombeyan caves though, it was quite some time ago but i am sure that particular spider is long dead by now.

Also, if my memory also serves me correct, it might be difficult to find a sunset at the caves campsite as i seem to recall having to drive down a steep cliff to get to it. Sunset might be at about 3pm down there :) so i suggest we locate somehwere higher up the valley for this adventure/shoot. (But once again, don't quote me on this)

Only Blackheath, Blue Mountain is perfect spot for sunset, the Jenolan caves is too low in the valley surrounded by mountain.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 7:26 pm
by sheepie
we will have to practice star trails etc from our location


PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 8:51 pm
by sheepie
OK folks, looks like we have five definates, and a couple of maybe's - plus families and hangers-on, looks like a great night :)


Sheepie (+2)
MHD (+?)
Werewolf (+2?)
rokkstar (+1?)



Suggest we aim for a mid-day arrival, and then have a look around.
We are seriously considering going out there on the Friday arvo, and spending some time around the area on the Saturday.
Looks like there's several shortish walks we can do around the river and stuff - should be good birdwatching and other wildlife.

Now, if only I had a nice big VR lens!

Night-time, we can have a camp dinner/bbq/wine drinking session and tell tales into the dark of the night :)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 8:54 pm
by johndec
I'm hoping to be able to attend, but I'm at best 50-50 ATM as I took a contract a couple of days ago that may see me about 400kms away in late March :cry: Wont find out for a couple of weeks exact dates. If I'm too late, such is life :roll:

Just a point that you guys may not have thought of yet. I can see it now, 20 cameras all lined up in a cave, all on tripods, all with remote shutter release set. Someone gets their shot all set up, pushes the remote button and FLASH , 20 cameras go off, vastly overexposing the image :D :D :D

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 8:56 pm
by sheepie
johndec wrote:Just a point that you guys may not have thought of yet. I can see it now, 20 cameras all lined up in a cave, all on tripods, all with remote shutter release set. Someone gets their shot all set up, pushes the remote button and FLASH , 20 cameras go off, vastly overexposing the image :D :D :D


Seriously, I reckon it'll be a good chance for us to try some creative lighting with all the SB800's that'll be there!

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 9:04 pm
by MHD
Its MHD +2 (Louise and Isabelle)

I'm thinking about taking the friday off and staying the extra night :)

I will be staying away from you flashy guys... Me and My Gitzo want to do some long exposures...

But I guess we could have fun setting a couple up around and seeing how we could light it :)

Do we book this campsite?

We should organise a D70users wine night at the campground :D

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 9:07 pm
by sheepie
MHD wrote:Do we book this campsite?

I think Nigel said we didn't need to book - but maybe given the number it looks like we're expecting we should try to?


PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 9:10 pm
by Werewolf
MHD wrote:We should organise a D70users wine night at the campground :D

Most definitely! It will be quite chilly in them thar hills in late March, and a few bottles of red will warm the carbunkles nicely :wink:

Sheepie..............I'll just be camping on the one night, Saturday. I'll be staying down the road in Good Forest on the Friday night.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 9:14 pm
by birddog114
Actually, we want to get into the Jenolan caves on Sat. night in a hotel or motel but:
-Lot of complaints about the people run the accomodation at this place and the accomodation there ain't cheap and lack of quality & value.
- Food and meals there are bistro type.
- I love camping but wondering what the weather like? If it's rain then what we are gonna to do? not sitting in the tent all night and talking to mozzie.
- We don't have lot of time due to travelling to & from same as unpack and packing tent etc...
-and love to shoot sunset at Blue Mountain.
We settle at Blackheath with plenty of time to explore and shooting until dusk, we knew few VERY GOOD hotels at Blackheath with excellent foods, services and having a good night then leaving early in the morning to Jenolan Caves, will arrive at Jenolan Caves around 9:30am and ready for the day.

We may have a problem

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 9:52 pm
by Matt. K
This might make getting accommodation difficult.


THE 2005 Blue Mountains Music Festival of Folk, Roots and Blues will run from March 18-20 with a formidable program of international, national and local musicians.

On the other hand....some picture ops?

Re: We may have a problem

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 9:54 pm
by birddog114
Matt. K wrote:This might make getting accommodation difficult.


THE 2005 Blue Mountains Music Festival of Folk, Roots and Blues will run from March 18-20 with a formidable program of international, national and local musicians.

On the other hand....some picture ops?

That why I tried to book today but wonder how many people want to get into Blue Mountain team? I can book tomorrow.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 10:17 pm
by leek
Please add an ( O + D ) to my listing... I'll stress again... my wife and daughter won't come into the caves with us... we'll go on another public tour if needs be...

We'll use our own car, and will organise own hotel / motel accomm... at Blackheath... Count me in for the sunset workshop...

Re: We may have a problem

PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 1:20 am
by gstark
Matt. K wrote:This might make getting accommodation difficult.


THE 2005 Blue Mountains Music Festival of Folk, Roots and Blues will run from March 18-20 with a formidable program of international, national and local musicians.

On the other hand....some picture ops?

Definitely some picture ops, but it's not too likely to affect accommodation all that heavily; this is not a major event in the blues calendar.

I'm curious as to who the international artists might be. I'll be willing to bet I know a number of the locals ...

Re: We may have a problem

PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 6:37 am
by birddog114
gstark wrote:
Matt. K wrote:This might make getting accommodation difficult.


THE 2005 Blue Mountains Music Festival of Folk, Roots and Blues will run from March 18-20 with a formidable program of international, national and local musicians.

On the other hand....some picture ops?

Definitely some picture ops, but it's not too likely to affect accommodation all that heavily; this is not a major event in the blues calendar.

I'm curious as to who the international artists might be. I'll be willing to bet I know a number of the locals ...

So what team are you with? Jenolan Caves or Blackheath?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 7:30 am
by gstark


Who knows? I may just bring the bass and camera, and hit the bars and bluesfest. :)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 11:47 am
by Matt. K
2 for the price of one...caves and blues fest. What a great weekend it's going to be!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 11:49 am
by birddog114
Matt. K wrote:Gary
2 for the price of one...caves and blues fest. What a great weekend it's going to be!

Are U going to the Blues for Sat. night?
Accomodation? do you need booking or DIY?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 1:02 pm
by leek
Birddog - just to confirm that I've booked my own accomm in Blackheath for Friday and Saturday nights... Sounds like it'll be a fun weekend...