A little secret page from Mr. Sam Chui, a pro aviation photographer here in Syd (or around the world).
http://www.samchuiphotos.com/wheretospotsyd.htmlRight at the end of runway 16R is very interest viewpoint for your eyes, you can literally touch an aircraft's landing gear at that point...
My personal favourite is still the control tower car park and possibly around the beach, but you need some ladders by the beach and a little stroll to get there.
Also, before leaving home, get some current info from this site:
http://www.rwy34.com/atis/it tells you current active runway for take-off and landing. So you can decide where to go.
I borrowed a VHF/UHF receiver when I went there. Tuned into Sydney Tower's frequency, the experience was totally awesome with real radio chatters that you hear around!
And ofcourse,
http://www.sydneyairport.com.au/SACL/Fl ... efault.htm if you are after certain airline liveries.
You must be aware of security these days, I didnt have any problems with them before, but still have to play it safe.