Hi all - here's some details for Saturday's Heritage Fleet Workshop...
We will be meeting at 9am SHARP outside the main entrance to the workshops/wharf area. Keep an eye out for me - I'll be the one with camera gear
Please make yourself known as soon as you arrive. Once 9am comes around, I don't intend waiting for anyone not already there - so if you are running late, please let me know on my mobile - 0434 995621.
Details of location as follows:
Access to the Heritage Shipyard is through Gate 4, James Craig Road, Rozelle Bay, Rozelle. As I understand it, there is parking around the area - it seems the main parking area has been taken up by material ready for the upcoming Boat Show. Please use your brains in deciding an appropriate place to park!
As has been stated before, you will be entering a working wharf/workshop area -
there is a very real possibility of injury if you are not fully aware of your surroundings - so please take care!
No responsibility will be taken by the organisers of this weekend (including myself) for any damage to you or your property while participating at this event!
You may need to be issued with a hard hat (not sure at this stage). You will certainly need
enclosed footware, trousers (pref jeans or similar) and sensible shirt. Be prepared for your clothing to get a little soiled (or a lot, depending how much you 'really want the shot'!).
Link for more Heritage Fleet info: