First Get TogetherModerators: Greg B, Nnnnsic, Geoff, Glen, gstark, Moderators
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First Get TogetherWe need a date, and a place.
Perhaps somewhere around Hickson Road? Mrs MacQuarie's Chair? The Opera House? What's your favourite place for making images? As to the when ... my thoughts are for a Sunday ... perhaps August 22?
August 22nd...Is good for me, I think around the Rocks/Mrs Macquaries chair would be a fantastic place to start..cheers,
My thoughts are gravitating towards August 22, perhaps around 9-ish (that's early for me, and on a Sunday too!) at City Extra @ the Quay.
Start with some brekkie, and then wander around the Quay and environs. I'm suggestin this ungodly hour so that we can avoid the masses of touristi that will invariably invade the region from, I guess 10:30 onwards. We can have time for a relaxed muggacino or three, get to know one another, and then wander around and give our sensors a hammering. But nothing is set in stone as yet, all suggestions will be considered.
52 going on 75 physically, but going on maybe 35 mentally. It's all just a state of mind (or in my case, what's left of it) g.
Gary Stark Nikon, Canon, Bronica .... stuff The people who want English to be the official language of the United States are uncomfortable with their leaders being fluent in it - US Pres. Bartlet
Photo from today.. - my attempt at sunset today at Mrs Macquaries chair..opinions welcome.
Would love to get together with a few of my fellow D70 buddies to get some tips on the use of it. Cannot make it this time due to work travel commitments. Would love to get together at some other time. Cheers, Darryl. D70, kit lens, 70 - 200VR lens, 12-24 lens, SB 800, Lowe Pro Mini Trekker, Manfrotto Carbon 440 Tripod, Velbon ball head Monopod, Ikelite Underwater Housing, Ikelite 125 Strobe, 60GB X Drive Pro.
Re: Photo from today..
Geoff, That link didn't work for me ... g.
Gary Stark Nikon, Canon, Bronica .... stuff The people who want English to be the official language of the United States are uncomfortable with their leaders being fluent in it - US Pres. Bartlet
The issue I have with a Sunday afternnon at the Quay is that it'll be as crowded as all hell. Parking will be an issue - a bloody pain in the arse, truth be told. My thinking is that we hold back on a sunset shoot for a month or two, and look for alternate, less done-to-death locales. g.
Gary Stark Nikon, Canon, Bronica .... stuff The people who want English to be the official language of the United States are uncomfortable with their leaders being fluent in it - US Pres. Bartlet
That one works. Nice image, but of course the exposure for a sunset is damn difficult to get right if you're going to include the sun in the image. ![]() As soon as you open up the exposure to try to get some details in, say, the opera house or coathanger, the sun becomes totally blown and probably destroys the rest of the image. Take the sun out of the image (or perhaps set yourself up so that it's obscured behind a building or some clouds) and you get back several stops of exposure, and along with them, detail in some of the foreground objects. Tough call, and certainly one excursion that I think we all can probably benefit from (I know that i certainly could). g.
Gary Stark Nikon, Canon, Bronica .... stuff The people who want English to be the official language of the United States are uncomfortable with their leaders being fluent in it - US Pres. Bartlet
meetingHi all, the 22nd is ok for me. Like others have said, somewhere with easy parking and access to transport would be preferable.
Nexxus, I am 43, don't worry about the differences, the similarity is we all like photography and I for one am happy to learn from someone wether they are 18 or 78. Geoff, sunset is nice, the first time I clicked on your link it showed three asian girls in white leather boots, I thought you were doing "glamour" photography ![]() Looking forward to meeting everyone. Glen
Name badges?Anyone opposed to wearing a simple name badge for the first meet? I'm pretty crappy at names for the first few times of meeting people. Just a suggestion!?
G'DayJust found this site via DPreview so i thought i'd pop over.
Currently living in Nth Ryde and pretty keen to meet up on that Sunday 22 if you like. Good idea meeting in the early morning too. Had my D70 for about 6 months and very happy with it. I think my photography has improved heaps since i bought it. I've just started combining my other hobby of astronomy with photography, which i've been wanting to do for years. Oh and 37 years old, 63 to go.
As I mentioned in the General forum, My wife and I are about to have our second terror (translate: child) so I think Sunday the 22nd is out of the question.
I am already walking on thin ice after buying a $2000 camera a week before we have our second ![]() But once our house settles down (yeah I know, not likely with 2 kids!!!!) I would be keen to meet with you guys and wonder around the city. After looking at some of the images here I am sure I would learn a lot. Cheers, W00DY ps: BTW, I am 28.
Congratulations on your second child. It must have taken some fast talking to buy the camera a week before the birth or was your wife too distracted to realise what you were doing (and that $2k is just the downpayment?)
Actually, the camera was the downpayment. Guess who gets to change the nappies for the next 12 months? Woody, Congratulations. Have you two figured out what causes these things? And I suppose you used that tired old excuse of "I need a new super-duper camera so that I can take some great shots of the new bambino" ? You obviously forgot to include the SB800 though ... just as well the days are starting to get longer. With an excuse like your's (for not being there on Sunday) we expect to see lots and lots and lots of links to pics of the proud parents' latest addition to the family. g.
Gary Stark Nikon, Canon, Bronica .... stuff The people who want English to be the official language of the United States are uncomfortable with their leaders being fluent in it - US Pres. Bartlet
Actually it was pretty easy. Before our first little boy I bought a Sony DF707 (got it very cheap through a friend who worked at sony) and basically I don't think my wife wants to hear me scream at the camera for it's terrible focusing and slow shutter lag again ![]() The D70 was the obvious choice as I have all nikon film gear (F80) so the lenses will be interchangable.
Yeah I did... But Fathers day is just around the corner ![]() I have access to the SB - 25 so that will have to do untill I can find a good deal (probably on e-bay) on the 800.
I have an old SB24 ... but check the thread on the Sigma 500 Super NA i-TTL in the bargains section here. That may prove to be a worthwhile alternative, once we get to see it. g.
Gary Stark Nikon, Canon, Bronica .... stuff The people who want English to be the official language of the United States are uncomfortable with their leaders being fluent in it - US Pres. Bartlet
Sydney airport get together?Hi Guys
Just wondering if the airport might be a good place to meet. I know a spot where we can shoot this kind of stuff all day long. Need some focal length, though? Regards
Matt. K
As much as I love a good thread revival, I have this feeling that a group of 7 or more people with long lenses and lots of equipment would be seen as... a security risk.
Producer & Editor @
Contributor for fine magazines such as PC Authority and Popular Science.
Good shot of QF, that's 737 with the tail code VH-TAX, what lens? and where's that spot? I like to stop by Williamtown, Newcastle every trip to Nelson Bay and hunt the Hornets + the Hawks take-off and landing, there's an large observatory platform inside the Fighter World Museum, you can have your sturdy tripod set up with the big zoom. Birddog114
VNAF, My Beloved Country and Airspace
Sydney airportFor D70 forum get a good spot at the airport drive into the domestic terminal, first left and follow the road as far as it goes until you come to a t junction...turn right then next left and drive right to the base of the tower. There is a small grassy park there and if the wind is right you will get some great shots. Need 80mm - 200mm and sometimes a 2x converter. Enjoy! Regards
Matt. K
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