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C41 Express - Online Printing

PostPosted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 10:58 am
by poompy

I have just had a shot of my wife while pregnant printed off by these guys.

16inch x 20inch matte black and white, came up beautiful!!

I would highly recommend these guys. I submitted the photo via their site on Thursday morning and i received it in the mail on friday!

They are relatively cheap compared to a lot of places i have seen and their customer service is fantastic (i called them for sanity sake).

old thread here Link

i have since taken down the picture but i am more than happy to put it back up if any requests it.

thanks to Geoff for the recommendation!


PostPosted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 11:04 am
by Wocka
Gidday Ben,

These guys are just around the corner from me, well an 8 min walk. Might be worth a look @ lunch time one Saturday and get a pie from across the road @ the same time.

I have found their website busy and confusing on first glance. But hearing your recommendation I might take another look.

Glad your happy with your print.
