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Which DSLR?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 9:00 am
by tangy1
I',m completly new to dslr. I'm Thinking of a canon 450d but lens I'm stumped on.
I'm after your suggestion so I can do some research on.
I Have a 2k total budget what camera and lens would you suggest? Im after new body.
The type of photo's I may be taking will mainly be landscape,wildlife and some macro and some action. Not portraits and such.
Lens really have me confused as which ones to go for.

Re: Which DSLR?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 9:21 am
by gstark
Hi Kelvin, and welcome.

First up, please alter your location in your profile so that it's meaningful. "Brisbane" does not qualify as meaningful. :) Please check our portal page and FAQ for more information on this.

Now, getting to your question, your stated budget is quite usable, and especially moreso a Canon Oz has just reduced some prices.

First, a couple of questions for you: have you been to a store and had a play with a 450D? What about a 40D? Have you had a play with any of the equivalent Nikons - the D40, the D60, and/or the D80?

If not, that should be your first step. You need to see which of those bodies you can work with - how do they feel ... in your hands. There is little, if anything, that is more important than this.

Do you have any idea of what you might be interested in taking photos of? Landscapes? People? Wildlife? Sporting events? They will each demand different qualities from both you and your photographic kit, and it's quite ok for you to not really know the answer to this question at this time. Each of the manufacturers provide some kit lenses that perform perfectly well for people starting in DSLR photography, and to give you a good feel for how you may wish to develop your skills.

Re: Which DSLR?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 10:21 am
by Reschsmooth
gstark wrote:Do you have any idea of what you might be interested in taking photos of? Landscapes? People? Wildlife? Sporting events?

Umm, Gary, the OP said:

OP wrote:The type of photo's I may be taking will mainly be landscape,wildlife and some macro and some action. Not portraits and such.

Re: Which DSLR?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 10:27 am
by gstark
Reschsmooth wrote:
gstark wrote:Do you have any idea of what you might be interested in taking photos of? Landscapes? People? Wildlife? Sporting events?

Umm, Gary, the OP said:

OP wrote:The type of photo's I may be taking will mainly be landscape,wildlife and some macro and some action. Not portraits and such.

Thanx Patrick. :)

It's Friday morning. It's cold. WYD. They're my excuses.

And in which case, I'd be suggesting that the OP starts with one of the kit lenses, so as to find his feet and see what he likes.