robboh wrote:...Wanganui Cemetery Circuit here in NZ that runs on Boxing Day...
Do they still run that? I thought several years ago it had to be stopped because of insurance/safety concerns. Maybe that never eventuated - Wanganui is just down the road from my home town
I have a question for the motor racing fanatics.
So far as Motor Sports go, we have a resident expert on this forum who I am expecting to answer your queries - he's down Mt Gambier somewhere.
My experience (and I'm now talking several years ago - NOT with the D70) was that as long as you got high enough exposure and got your panning right, you could get some pretty good pics. All depends on where you're able to get in relation to the cars - are they coming straight at you, along side, or going away. If it's the later, then you'll be lucky if you can get a decent shot.
Anticipation is the key - try to anticipate any action, or the location of the vehicle. I think this goes for any form of sport really - you have to be ready that split second before it happens!
I used to rattle off a 36 exposure B&W film at the local speedway each night - processed it myself, and used to be happy with the results most of the time. Got published once on the back page of Dirt Track Racing in NZ
Am looking forward to getting the D70 out to some motorsport sometime - haven't had the chance yet.
Anyway, let's know how it goes - maybe even let us know some more details of when you're going, and you might get some company!