On the linking of the images, it seems as though Picasa doesn't like direct linking. When you do the linking, make sure that you have a matching pair of tags. You posted with two opening tags, rather than a pair with one opening, and one closing [/whatever] tag.
Regarding the images ... these are both shot with a long time exposure. This is evidenced by the texture of the water.
That means that you need to be using a good, solid tripod. The ones that the stores give you for free with their so-called "enthusiast kits" are worth pretty much exactly what one pays for them.
I'm mentioning the tripod first up because of what I'm seeing in the second of these images ... look at the archway, where it starts to rise above the roadway on the lh side of the image, just above the centre. There is a section of this archway that almost looks as if it's vibrating at the time that you made this image.
And that may well have been the case.
But now look at the streetlights below the bridge, on the far side of the watercourse. These are all shaped like small golden arches. This is unlikely to be an effect of bokeh, and more likely to be related to camera movement of some kind.
That, in the first instance, brings us to two points, both of which have already been mentioned in this thread: your tripod, and the use of IS for these images. Basically, when you're using a tripod, kill IS.
And when you're using a tripod, make it one that's solid and won't dance around in the breeze. What sort of tripod do you have?
And one item that I don't think has been mentioned as yet: how are you triggering your exposure? Directly by hand? With a remote? Using the self timer?