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50D: Firmware 1.0.7 released

PostPosted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 4:01 pm
by Potoroo
50D Firmware 1.0.7 was released 30 July 2009:

1.Corrects a phenomenon where captured images may tend to appear somewhat magenta depending on the shooting scene.

If the background has little or no contrast (such as the sky or white walls), and the white balance (WB) setting of the camera is not AWB (Auto White Balance), images may tend to appear somewhat magenta.

2.Fixes incorrect indications on the Arabic, Romanian, Spanish, and Ukrainian menu screens.

If like me 50D owners are still on 1.0.3 then .7 should include updates .4, .5 and .6, which include some useful improvements to error reporting and fixing the vertical banding problem with sRAW1, amidst other things.

Re: 50D: Firmware 1.0.7 released

PostPosted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 8:14 pm
by DebT
Thanks appreciate the info