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PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 7:50 pm
by anubis

PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 7:58 pm
by kipper
Of course VR OFF is blurred, the subject changed poses from VR ON and caused it to blur!

PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 8:04 pm
by avkomp
your handheld technique with the 500 would have let you get a sharp shot with that puny 200 wouldnt it Darryl?


PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 8:21 pm
by kipper
Not in lowlight steve, VR is allows you to get handheld shots at low shutter speeds and that's all I'd ever use it for. So instead of using 1/250 or 1/500 for perched shots handheld you could use 1/125 or 1/160.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 8:25 pm
by paulvdb1
I'd be disappointed if I couldn't get a reasonably steady shot at 1/50 handheld @200, or even 1/5sec @ 18 should be quite doable - I just tried that and no real problems with my kit lens.

I think the real test would be 1/10 @ 200

PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 8:28 pm
by kipper
Paul, it will be possible but how consistant is another matter entirely. Even with VRI it wasn't gauranteed to give you a sharp shot every time. It just increased the chances.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 8:31 pm
by avkomp
was joking darryl!! :roll:
