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My D70 Is CaaaaaaaPutttttttttttt !!!

PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 10:22 am
by mic
Bloody digital technology :x :x :x

I don't really use my D70 that much, it really pees you off when you go to use it and all it does is blink it's green light at you, turns on, doesn't turn off & now doesn't fire at all.

Off it goes to the repair man :x damn damn damn !!! AAaAAAARRRRRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Had to vent.

Mic. :wink:

PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 10:39 am
by KerryPierce
That really bites, Mic. :( Well, apparently, the BGLOD syndrome is widespread. I wonder when it will hit mine. :?

PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 10:39 am
by gstark
Leigh's and mine both came back from their enforced holiday's last week, and mine, at least, seems better than new.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 10:40 am
by Glen
Sorry to hear Mic, tried inverting it before you take it to the doc? At least it sounds like a known problem, BGLOD, so should be a quick fix.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 10:43 am
by marcotrov
Yeah Kerry I'm also wondering when it will hit mine as I imagine everyone who owns one is :(
Sorry to hear about it Mic. I just hope that mine, touch wood, if it goes will kindly wait till I get My new D200 or D2X(still haven't made up my mind :? ) so at least I'll have a backup. :wink:

PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 10:53 am
by Onyx
Aint life a bitch Mic... Maybe yours and my D70's could get acquainted in the workshop.

Gary, how far off were they from their quoted turnaround time in your case? The previous "2 weeks" turned into 6, so I'm not holding my breath on "10-14 days".

Future bglod sufferers: remove the battery once confirmed - tis a good way to unnecessarily drain the battery when left in (and it gets hot too - which can't be good).

PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 11:51 am
by HappyFotographer

sorry to hear that. Seems quiet a few of our members are falling victim.

Is it affecting only early models? Mine was a Christmas present so am wondering if shortly after this year if I will also be visited by that nasty green light.

Hope it doesn't take too long to get back to you.


PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 11:56 am
by sirhc55
It has become a psychological time bomb - sorry to hear that you have been BGLOD’d Mic :(

PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 12:30 pm
by xerubus
sorry to hear this Mic.... :cry:

PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 1:07 pm
by shutterbug
Mic...the signs are there for a new D200 or maybe a D2X? :wink:

PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 10:59 pm
by mic
Thanks Guys & Gal,

WoW, I didn't know this was such a problem :roll:

I must be a bit silly, I hear you say, Mic, silly, naaaaaaaa

what is BGLOD :roll:


Mic. :wink:

PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 11:12 pm
by leek
mic wrote:what is BGLOD

Blinking Green Light of Death... Search on BGLOD and you'll probably find the thread of Gary's that I'm too lazy to look up...

Never fear Mic - It should be repaired FOC (Free of Charge) by Maxwell's even if you're out of warranty...

PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 11:21 pm
by mic
:lol: :lol: :lol: BGLOD

Thanks Leek, that makes me feel a bit better.

Mic. :wink: