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RAW Convertors for D200!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 9:39 am
by Antsl
Hi All,

Hope everyone had a great Christmas! I'm off to Kiwiland at the end of the week however I am keen to take with me a RAW convertor for the D200 so that I can process images while I am on the road over there. I have CS2 on my Apple iBook however Adobe does not seem to have a plugin for it yet. Anyone know of a reasonable temporary option (that will work on Mac) that I can use for the moment (read here "I don't want to spend hundreds"!)?

I have not bought the D200 yet, I am testing it for a mag and I have yet to give it a good workout... first impressions are very good although I do not think the improvement in noise is as fantastic as some people are proclaiming. It still is an improvement on the D2X though and that is enough for me.

Cheers in advance and have a great New Years!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 9:45 am
by mudder

You can use the raw converter from NC4.4 in leiu of the ACR raw converter if you wish... Just means you lose the functionality of ACR, unless you go for something like Bibble, or DCRAW etc...

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 10:11 am
by DaveB
I saw a comment on the FM forums saying that while the latest version of ACR doesn't "properly" support the D200, it will process them even though the resulting images are smaller than they should be.

If true, maybe that would allow you to at least review the images?
Have you tried it?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 11:29 am
by radar

V4.5 of Bibble supports the D200 (plus a number of other new cameras), just released around Christmas. You can evaluate it as well while in NZ ;-), free download and eval period.

Have fun in NZ and look forward to your photos and review, either online or in print.



PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 12:53 pm
by marcotrov
Have fun and a Happy New Year Ants. Really looking forward to some posts with the D200 and your evaluations of same :wink:

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 1:40 pm
by Antsl
Hi Guys and thanks for the comments!

At the moment I am trying to get some work finished that I have had in the wings for ages and the fact that I was crook most of last week and had a sprained ankle the week before that has not helped things either. Once I get on the plane though my intention is to forget about work for a while and get into play mode with this new camera. I am taking my D70s with me and will do some comparison shots although I will be leaving it with a friend on my return! The results of the review will be in an upcoming issue of Australian Photography but I will at least try and give you a summary of sorts before then!

Have a great New Years all and remember to take the camera out with you on Saturday night (my advice ... pick a fast wideangle lens ... bump up the ISO up to 1600 ... shoot wide open without a flash and enjoy the moment!!!)

Thanks again!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 2:57 pm
by mudder
Just checked on the adobe site, no support for D200 yet in ACR3.3 beta... Not sure what the diff is between the models of Nikon whether it's like the D70/D70s issue where an edit to the exif made it work or not... Least I think it was just an edit in the EXIF with those models :oops: