Sick D70s
Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 2:12 pm
Hi guys
I just went out to take a couple of shots and my D70s is playing up. When I press the shutter it sounds like the mirror lifts, view finder goes black, but the shutter does not release and the mirror stays up. My first thought was that I had set a long shutter speed, but no, I have tried up to 1/8000. If I press the shutter button a second time there is a sound like the shutter firing and the mirror drops. Between the first and the second press of the shutter button the lcd displays a flashing 'err' where the shutter speed is normally displayed. If the shutter release is pressed half way (as in auto focusing) there is the message 'r03' displayed on the lcd where the 'shots remaining' on the cf card is usually shown.
I have tried a different cf card, different lenses, different prgram setting, different shutter speeds, thrown it against the wall (just kidding), as well as using the reset button on the base of the camera. Nothing works.
The messages 'err' and 'r03' must mean something. Has any one had this problem before?
On the bright side, I just googled the error message and found that many people have had a circuit board replaced which fixed the problem. My camera is still under warranty, so it is off to the shop tommorrow.
Mixed emotions. Hate having it break , love that it is still in warranty , will miss it while it is away .
I just went out to take a couple of shots and my D70s is playing up. When I press the shutter it sounds like the mirror lifts, view finder goes black, but the shutter does not release and the mirror stays up. My first thought was that I had set a long shutter speed, but no, I have tried up to 1/8000. If I press the shutter button a second time there is a sound like the shutter firing and the mirror drops. Between the first and the second press of the shutter button the lcd displays a flashing 'err' where the shutter speed is normally displayed. If the shutter release is pressed half way (as in auto focusing) there is the message 'r03' displayed on the lcd where the 'shots remaining' on the cf card is usually shown.
I have tried a different cf card, different lenses, different prgram setting, different shutter speeds, thrown it against the wall (just kidding), as well as using the reset button on the base of the camera. Nothing works.
The messages 'err' and 'r03' must mean something. Has any one had this problem before?
On the bright side, I just googled the error message and found that many people have had a circuit board replaced which fixed the problem. My camera is still under warranty, so it is off to the shop tommorrow.
Mixed emotions. Hate having it break , love that it is still in warranty , will miss it while it is away .